Where: Glen Christie Quarry
When:April 26 10:00 am
Join us for an early season dive and than for a bowl of chili and hot chocolate to warm up.
admission to the quarrie is free ( covered by Grounhog Divers
$10 to be collected at the event to cover the cost of the food
sign up at the Groundhog Quarry Portal
If you have not yet set up an account for diving at the quarry please contact Ground Hog Divers at 519-742-5415
Scuba Hogs Dive Community Presents !

A Day at Welland Scuba Park
May 3,2025
This is an excellent dive site for beginners as well as for advanced training. Explore boats, cars, barges, and other assorted items, sunk & ready to be discovered! This site is apparently private land, although we have not been able to locate any owner. It has been closed for special events like FloatFest.
Expect to see loads of bass, especially in the wheelhouse of the fishing boat. Blue Gill, and gobies are also abundant- and friendly!
Location: Old Welland Canal, Welland, Ontario
Type: Scuba Park
Depth: 30 feet (10 meters)
When: May 3, 10:00 am
Scuba Hogs Dive Community Presents !

Boxing Day In July
Sat July 26th
Where: Glen Christie Quarry
When: July 26, 10:00 am to 2:00 pm
Glen Christie Quarry
2145 Hespeler Road Cambridge
Scuba Hogs along with Groundhog Divers are celebrating Boxing Day in July with a dive in the quarry. Diving starts at 10:30 am, followed by the BBQ at noon. Decorate the Christmas tree underwater. Santa will visit to bring gifts to all the good buoyancy divers.
Divers go to to reserve your spot by Friday July 18
Non-divers rsvp to
Rental gear (limited availability) is available from Groundhog Divers by calling 519 742-5415. Please arrange for this in advance. Pick-up at the store on Friday July 25